The Plot Thickens. . .

Marjorie Taylor Greene 
is knitting Mike Johnson a going-away gift

That Marjorie is such a nincompoop. She barely has time to keep up with transcribing  conspiracy theory posts from Russia about the Biden administration, but, she made time to knit a special gift for Speaker Mikey Johnson. She considered him a good guy until she started getting bad vibes about his plan to get the Ukraine Aid Package passed while she was in the ladies room. 

Well, Marjorie went Comanche and decided Mikey just had to go. He was not playing by her rules and she had drawn a line in the sand when she told Mikey no money for Ukraine or no more Speakership for Mikey. 

So, Mikey went on a pilgrimage to the holiest of MAGA/Republican places: Mar-A-Lago, to visit the "Great One." 

"She's gonna' fire my butt, boss!  What am I gonna' do?"

The "Great One" thought about it for a few minutes, and then said, "Come with me, my son...let's go look in some of my boxes and see what I've got on the old girl." 

(To be continued)


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