Friday, April 5, 2024

An Actual Utterance by a United States President: "Americans Who Died in War Are Losers and Suckers

Anyone want to guess which one said it?

Listening to the news stories about the former President of the United States has become a torturous lifestyle for many of us. As his deplorable actions, thoughts, and words come screaming out at us, I find it impossible to understand how he can possibly be the Nominee of the Republican Party for the Presidential Election 20224!

The total list of his evil actions includes facing more than 90 state and federal charges of various types. He is responsible for personally inciting threats against various judges, court officials and their family members. This man is void of any known acceptable character  traits. 

Today, however, I would like to zero in on one that sticks in my craw more than any other. 

My three brothers and I all entered the military service after high school graduation. One became a Marine and served in Viet Nam and the others entered the Army. That was something we were all proud to do. . . until a man named "Trump" entered the picture.  His idea - that he was proud to let the world know about - was to repeatedly disparage the service members by asking that wounded veterans be kept out of military parades. "They will give a bad look to our armed services."

But perhaps the most egregious comment he ever uttered was, "Americans who died in war are Losers and Suckers."

What thought could possibly enter a United States President's mind to cause him to offer those words to the world?

These words from a man who was given seven deferments  due to a bone spur on his heel that his daddy's doctor concocted to keep him from Viet Nam! 

Finally, I remind everyone that this man is running neck-and-neck with the candidate from the other major political party for President of the United States!

How proud Putin must be of his "stooge."

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