Friday, April 12, 2024

Wads of Money in their wallets, rolls of money in their front pockets, wadded up money in their back pockets, money hanging out of. . .

 Montana -  The Last Best Place

Let's go back to those grand old days of yesteryear. Back to those glorious days when Montanans were living free and happy. Those years before the 2020 mass invasion of Republican/MAGA red coats. That time that Gianforte, Knudsen, Arntzen, and their brothers and sisters seem to forget.

It was a time before the Montana MAGA came into office with butcher knives and sledge hammers. Life was peaceful and simple. No one tried to eliminate a Montanan from the voting . No one got turned away from an abortion clinic. No one tried to convince Montanans that our elections have been a cesspool of fraud for years. Our State Supreme Court was never considered a swamp of liberal judges. And, Montana was open, above board, and not for sale!

Remember those times? We were proud of our state and we were always ready to welcome visitors. Then the Republican/MAGA folks moved in and "took over."  People from God knows where were pouring in and gobbling up houses like a cloud of locusts. Suddenly, the air became foul and these MAGA folks began talking about all the things they were going to change - and it all sounded very much like the things they've already changed in other states. 

This November, let's make a few changes ourselves. Let's get things back where the were. 

You know, let's MMGA  -  Make Montana Great Again!

Let's do our Fall cleaning. . . on Nov. 5, 2024!

Interesting information:  Montana had three electoral votes in the Electoral College for the 2020 election. Trump won Montana 56.9% to 40.5%, a margin of 16.4%, down from the 20.4% margin he scored four years earlier.

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