Thursday, June 27, 2024

A Gala Evening at the Bribery Coast. . .

Americans have always known that United States Supreme Court  Justices came in two flavors: Conservative and Liberal. It was never much of a deal - unless it became dangerously lop-sided  - and then we all rushed to find out which flavor the president was that nominated them. That's about as far as it went.

Fast-forward to the current batch of flavors. There are three liberals and six trouble makers who are making decisions for 330 million of us. And we have to live with that until their retirement, or until those six are willing to croak in their comfy high-back thrones.

We also have to remind ourselves that being a conservative today ain't anything like our grandpa's conservatives. Today, we are saddled with hard-core, authoritarian, "we'd-rather-be-dead-than-a-stinkin'-socialist-vermin!"

Yeah. . .it's that bad.  They are beyond the planning stages of an outright coup on our democracy! And about the only phase they need is a solid grip on our Justice Department, which owning the Highest Court in the land would just about put the cherry on top.

Their goals are many.  They have already overturned Roe v. Wade and a huge percentage of states are passing limited-to-no abortions. Making it hard for some folks to vote is also on their radar. The High Court will be looking closely at many rights that we have enjoyed for many years and are on their way to the chopping block! If you are of a conservative flavor, you are certainly aware of this gutting of our rights, but if you are of the other flavor, you had best get your butt in gear and start fighting.

The right-wing justices seem to think bribes from the billionaires to help them get the laws changed to their benefit is fair game. The Supreme Court  is now known as the "Yacht Basin at the Bribery Coast."

What else can possible go wrong?!!

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