Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Just Keep Saying Your Prayers Every Night!

You see, it's this way. Conservatives on the U.S. Supreme Court think a lot like Conservatives in the U.S. House and Senate. They were told at a young age that they were...I don't do I say this?...They've been told they are somehow "special."

They think different than most Americans. 

When confronted with a problem, they first decide how the solution will best benefit them and then decide that is how it will be done.  The liberals, when confronted with the same problem, will first decide how the solution will best benefit the people and then decide that is how it will be done.

Pretty simple, huh?

As an example, with a bump stock added to an ordinary rifle, for example, it will only benefit conservatives and their clients, the NRA, the gun and ammo manufacturers, the hunters and target shooters. The millions and millions of the rest of us have no beneficial or redeeming values to anyone - evidently. I mean, other than doctors and hospitals and mortuaries.

I told you the conservatives think differently, because they are . . . you, know. . . special.

And then there is that new breed of conservatives called MAGA - Make America Great Again. It was started by some guy named Trump. He is a narcissistic, psychological liar and con artist who. . . well, don't get me started on all of that!

Conservatives are bad enough.  MAGA is hundred times worse!

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