Saturday, June 29, 2024

Oh, it's slammer time for Stevie Bannon. . .

Sorry, Stevie  - But I Hear Jail Ain't That Bad

Poor Stevie Bannon. . . he was sure the boss could keep him from going to jail. He was running the "War Room" and doing everything he was supposed to do. The boss would call once in a while to see if he needed anything.  He did think it was a little funny that the boss never came by, though. 

Bannon didn't mess around with trying to keep himself out of jail. He just picked up the phone and called the head of the Supreme Court's MAGA department and told them he didn't want to go to no damn jail.

Funny, but that didn't work out. It's being reported today, Saturday, June 29th, the Supreme Court turned down his final plea to stay out of jail. So, Stevie will finally get a shower, a comb, and change into a bright orange jumpsuit. He'll actually look human for the first time in years.

Meanwhile, the boss will be watching his TV for Steve "what's-his-name" to get thrown in the slammer. I'm guessing the catsup will be going on the burgers instead of the walls this time.

Things are finally turning out right for Stevie the Traitor! We'll have to wait a while for the other one to disappear from the political world.

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