
Showing posts from August, 2024

Why Can He Still Run For Office?

  Why Can't 'She' Lock Him Up? Why can't the American People get some justice for what they have had to endure with this guy? He has literally shaken to the core our democracy, constitution, and rule of law and, as yet, still walking around free, fat, and sassy. He has even been allowed to run for President of the United States!  Those of us who are not qualified to run are: non-natural-born citizens, not yet 35 years of age, or must have been a resident of the U.S. for 14 years,  Why is this man eligible to keep running for the Oval Office? According to the New York Times, he has no formal campaign restrictions, and he remains highly competitive in polls. But his sentencing on the New York convictions was set for July 11, 2024 while other cases have been looming. The obvious next question was: can he run if he has been convicted? This is the simplest question to answer:: FOR SOME DAMN REASON, the answer is YES, HE CAN! My take on the entire mess is this: There seems to

Yellow Striping-down- the-back must have been the "in thing"" that year

What's the Big Deal about Arlington?  It's Just Filled with a Bunch of "Suckers" and "Losers" The former United States Commander-in-Chief shows how deep his respect goes for his military forces.  A few days ago, he wanted to "shoot" a campaign commercial for himself in Arlington National Cemetery. Keep in mind what he said to a group of military officials about our bravest and best who lost their lives on a battlefield in France during World War II: "Why do we have to visit that cemetery? It's just filled with a bunch of "Suckers" and "Losers." He has tried to deny he ever said it, but at least one of the men who was in the group with Trump admits the then-president absolutely did say it.  Before he stomped into the hallowed ground of Arlington National Cemetery this week, those in charge of the grounds told him he could NOT take pictures there. Of course, that would be like waving a red flag in front of a bull. . .and

From New York "Boss" Tweed to New York "Boss" Trump

"Boss" Tweed and "Boss" Trump Proudly Proclaimed:  "In Counting There Is Strength"  Political Cartoon by Thomas Nast First, let's talk about a crook, politician, questionable businessman, election fraud,  and all-around bad guy. His name was William Marcy Tweed, much better known simply as Boss Tweed. He was most notable as the political boss of Tammany Hall. He controlled local politics in New York City in the 1860'd and the 1870's. He became infamous for coining the phrase, "As long as I count the votes, what are you going to do about it?"  And control the votes he evidently did - with great success. Whatever it took to get himself elected (he was a Senator) and others, he handled through the "counting of votes" process - like Boss Trump tried to do in Georgia in 2020 election) Thomas Nast, considered the father of political cartoonists, made Tweed his "personal enemy number one" and hounded him relentlessly unti

Is It Just Me, or Is This Guy Wacky as a Loon?

T he sound of the fiery horse with the speed of light, a cloud of dust and a hearty Hi - Yo, Trumpy! JD Vancey-Pants is off to the rubber-room again! He passes a middle-aged lady on the street who just doesn't look right. "Hey, wench. . . how many kids have you spawned?"  It is Vancey-Pants' signature way of saying, "Good Morning!" This guy could only have been found by "Trumpy." to be his running mate. He is considered by many to be a "weird dude" who is highly agitated if he finds a woman who has not taken the advantage of giving birth. He believes she should not be given certain rights and privilege's that mothers receive. So, if a married woman and her husband have decided to not have children. . . well, you can expect to get a call or personal visit from Vancey-Pants to urge to best get into the world of child-raising  - and often, too!  This 40-year-old Hillbilly aficionado is from Middletown, Ohio is a member of the Republican

Our Rule of Law Ain't Worth a Plug Nickle . .

        Presidential Candidate Donald J. Trump  told America   "if he did not win  there would be a "Bloodbath." When was the last time you heard a presidential candidate use language like that? I'm guessing never - and I go back to the 1960 election of John F. Kennedy. I have been an avid junkie of politics ever since and I'm sure if a candidate had said such a statement, I'd remember.  It is ludicrous to even consider the notion that someone would threaten such action.  I will tell you something even more preposterous. This man is back for another attempt at overturning the election if he is unsuccessful in winning. In his last  attempt, people died, were viciously beaten, damage was done to our Capitol, members went into hiding, there were threats made on the lives of the Vice President, Speaker of the House, and others    - all by the thugs who acted under the orders of Donald J. Trump! And yet, here we are. Same song, second verse, won't get better,

My Mother A Trumpster?! Never!!

Are we up to this...again?  Are we really going to go through this nightmare again? You do remember we almost lost our democracy the last time. Voting used to be easy, quiet, and final. It was a happy day, for the most part. Mom and dad would go vote and then over to the neighbors for coffee and pie.  Today, it's nerve-racking, iffy, dangerous...and no pie! When I was about six years old, mom and dad took me with them when they went to vote. We drove down to the Virgelle Ferry, crossed the Missouri, and into the big town of Virgelle, Montana. On the way home, mom said something that made dad mad. He yelled out, "You killed my vote!" Mom - always with that quick Texas wit, said, "Good! Now that it's dead, maybe it'll go live in Independence, Missouri where you think God and Harry Truman live."  We stopped by the Hyatt house for pie and coffee on the way home. Mr. Hyatt ask me, "John, what did learn about voting?" I said, "I don't like i

VOTING IS EASY. . . when you have the truth to help you

Don't Let Them Ever Forget! There should be one overriding factor embedded in your memory that will assist you in deciding between Harris and Trump! One of them has his war plans drawn up and ready. He has even had his insane manifesto published in book form, if you dare to read it. The title is: "Project 2025"  How Trump will destroy the nation It's written in easy-to-read standard print form (of course) for the readers they have targeted. It will lead you through the "dry run" of the insurrection on January 6, 2021 and beyond the January 6, 2025 successful coup. There were approximately 145 brave law enforcement people who were badly beaten and 3 deaths by the MAGA-inspired army of Trump's thugs on Jan. 6, 2021.   Your other  choice is  Kamala Harris, who will always fight to retain our democracy, our constitution, and our rule of law.  Is your needle moving toward Harris, yet? Never in the history of the United States has a presidential candidate open

My Gawd. . . we just elected "Skippy" for Speaker!

  "SKIPPY" JOHNSON RULES THE HILL! "Skippy" Johnson, Speaker of the House of Dirt, is holding another "hill top" meeting.  He has received his marching orders from the "Orange One" of Mar-A-Lago and is filling in the troops as to how they will attempt to steal another election. "Skippy" is in charge of all matters of the U.S. House except for stuff that involves bills, rules, and other stuff. Everything else is handled in secret by the Orange One - with "Skippy" allowed to watch. "Skippy" is a good listener though, and seldom says a word when in the presents of the "Orange Oracle." Long ago on a dark  and windy night in between votes to elect a new Speaker of the House, "Skippy" heard his name called up for a vote to filled the Speakership. He was stunned! He knew he didn't have a chance, but he put on his "I'm qualified" face and took his round of applause and sat down. He was

Oh, it's cryin' time again. . . he's gonna' cheat us. . .

  HERE WE G O P AGAIN!  "Something Evil This Way Comes!" I hope you have all been sufficiently warned that Trump, Vance, and their flying monkeys have cranked up their crooked,  lyin', and cheatin' election nitwits for 2024. It's going to be another battle of the GOPers versus  the American Rule of Law! In Georgia, the election officials have been told to move Republican troublemakers off of the election  work list. They have already been caught once for faking the  2020 election results and it is reported that they are in the process of doing it again. Crooked workers, fake electorates, whatever will get the job done! We need to understand that these MAGA/Republican crooks are willing to do anything to win - even go against our serious rule of law. Their leader, Donald Trump, is a man with absolutely no morals. He would hang his closest and most loyal friend if it got him the job he so fervently wants. What kind of a person would attempt such a despicable crime o

From - Poem: The boy stood on the burning deck. . .

  THE DEMOCRAT'S PROJECT 2025 Bye - Bye Donnie  The loser stood on the burning deck, Where all but he had fled. The Democrats who caused the wreck, Screamed "Off with that orange head!" Yet beautiful and bright he stood, As born to rule the storm, A creature of heroic blood, A proud, though child-like,  form. The flames rolled on - he would not go, Without his MAGA's word. As they sat faint in death below His voice no longer heard. Poetry by a troublemaker John Watson

HOPE. . . can be for the sinner, too!

JD VANCE   -  The Hillbilly Huckster Following the Democrat National Convention last night, the choice for Donald Trump's Vice President, JD Vance, had a few things to say to the world.  "Howdy, y'all. . . just wanted to get the record straight. Donald Trump is the one for Hope ! He's always been for hope . He hopes all of y'all Democrats get stung by a thousand Warrior Wasps. He hopes the state of New York loses all of its law suits against Mr. Trump. He hopes the "Cyber Ninja" company that audited the election returns in Arizona will be more successful next time. He hopes that Putin comes to America and works his magic on turning our democracy into an autocracy. He hopes the Democrat Party will have to file for bankruptcy and disappear. He hopes for lots of things that will be good for the MAGA cult. There's nothing wrong with hoping !" "However," JD continues,  "if you mean hope for the people...shoot! Nobod y's hoping

We Have Seen The Evil Of His Mind

   Who Tarnished "The Shining City on the Hill?" I cannot tell a lie - it was him! He came into the national political scene in 2017 and immediately began tearing our constitution, rule of law, our democracy, and our entire nation into shreds! We have been injured over the years and we have been badly damaged by a civil war, but this man tarnished our nation's reputation around the world. Our allies and our adversaries will forever view us as unstable. Can we ever be their inspiration for a near-perfect democracy? Will we ever again be a leader in the world? Will they ever again believe we will  always be there for them? This broken man says "no." This narcissist will protect only what he chooses to protect for himself. His world only stretches about as far as his arms will reach. Beyond that is of little concern to him. America seems paralyzed by fear of this man. We can run through the litany of his felonies, his unsavory life style, his failed business dealin

Did Trump's Plane Get the "Boot?"

TRUMP'S MAIN GEAR TIRE BOOT? Very few times is it necessary to put a restrainer boot on a commercial airliner tire, so few airports have them available. One particular plane, however, is popularizing their need. It belongs to - as far as we know - an owner named TRUMP, the name that is highly visible on the side of the plane. It is reported that he has trouble paying his Gate Rental fees when he lands at airports. This blog could not verify that report, however. The unofficial report specifically mentioned the Trump jet that wanted to land at the Bozeman, Montana area airport but they refused his landing privilege due to a sizeable overdue bill from previous landings.  He landed in Billings, instead, and had to caravan to Bozeman for his Rally.  If you look closely at the above photo of his plane, we think you will notice what appears to be a "TIRE BOOT" on the main gear. We, again, can't verify this because the main gear tire is too far from the photographer. The boo

They are reaping a "goldarn category five hurricane"

  TRUMP IS COLLAPSING It is becoming more evident each time we look at the pitiful scenes on our television sets. Donald J. Trump is failing right before our eyes. He is visibly frustrated and at times he appears confused. Often, he can't sustain the thought long enough to verbalize what he wants to say. He believes  he is legally allowed to make fun of Kamala Harris, her ethnicity, her skin color, his claim that she changed her skin color several years ago  - everything! The presidential candidate is losing the battle that used to be his forte - putting others off-balance and unable to think fast enough on their feet to keep up with him. His troubles began when Biden dropped out as candidate and was replaced by a younger, attractive, more agile on her feet, and  former prosecutor, attorney general and current Vice-President of the United States. To say Donald has meet his match would be a huge understatement - and her approval ratings are stealing his thunder. . .  and it is drivi

Montana - What are you waiting for?

We were sitting at our dining room table last night, eating and trying to catch up on the local/state news. The story about our wretched state of affairs regarding taxes came up. Gov. Gianforte was seated at the big table with a few guys scattered about. The television crew was listening to each legislator as they talked about how they have the tax problem worked out. First, every damn one of them belongs to the Party that got us into this fix in the first place. Does it make sense to you that they are the ones we should let "fix" the problem? Wasn't it their "supermajority" that caused the dastardly problem? The richest of Montana got tax cuts and the rest of us got an unholy increase!  Why was there nary a Democrat at the table during the "fixing?" Well, I'm asking a rhetorical question, aren't I? Will we end up with another "superdoopermajority legislature next session? Will they finally finish us off this time? Or, will we stand up on

The End of Ol' Donald T. . .

The former president is slowly melting into the ground. He should be gone by Nov. 5th and never to be heard from again! Gone with him also is his miserable Project 2025.  With the big guy's departure, it should also be a big vamoose for JD Vance. Crazy JD needs to take his weird and insane ideas out in a barren spot in Death Valley, dig a very deep hole, burn them, and then bury the ashes!  There were strange things done in the Florida sun, By the men who search for gold. The Mar-A-Lago wails have carried secret tales, That would make your blood run cold. The top secret docs were stuffed in a  box, The weirdest I ever haver seen. But stranger still was down by the docks, Where the "big guy" was howling and mean. I heard him cussin' and fumin' and fussin'. In search of a large, black book. "It holds all my plans to take over the land," As he ran off for another look! (to be continued. . . or not.)

He Who Commands the Lightning and Thunder. . .

  The MAGA Maestro's  Election Fraud Claim  Has Already Begun The former president, and current felon, has had a jolt of reality as he watches  his poll numbers taking a dive into the toilet. He has cranked up his "thunder and lightning" to fraudulently tell all American Voters that if he loses, it was because the election was rigged.  It's the same old worn out untruthful story that he has used before. The goal is to convince his steadfast horde of  ninnies he is, once again, being cheated out of his rightful job as the President of the United States. We can expect threats against our government, our election officials, and our rule of law. This time, maybe his insurrection will work! He has been leading this gang of nitwits around for a long time now, and they will believe - and do - anything he tells them to do. We can all attest to their willingness by remembering the insurrection at our Capitol on January 6, 2021!  Our chief concern this time around, however, is

Remember the little ones when you vote. . .

Some of the Great-Grandchildren  with the Old Guy  I will always look for an excuse to show off my great great-grandchildren. I'm only sorry they aren't all in this  photo. The reason I'm using it, however, is to remind me that elections are not just for folks who will be affected by the politicians and the bills they vote on during them time in office. It will almost certainly affect these little ones, like those pictured here, plus millions more, in the years ahead.  The political structure of our nation is constantly moving, and we who are of voting age now must always think about that each time we are asked to vote.  We who are registered, must never forget our responsibility to vote. Not just for the present situations of our country, but for the little ones who will be expected to accept what we have decided on - or allow them to change, if necessary.  A tragic example would be when the U.S. Supreme Court banned abortion and health care rights for women.  Today, we mu

Scottie, this is the Captain. . . Give me everything you've got!"

Donald Trump as the Borg Queen   "I am the beginning, the end, the one who is many. I am the Borg Queen - leader of the Collective."   -  Star Trek (Translation) "I am Donald Trump, the beginning, the end, the one who is many. I am the everything - leader of MAGA/Republicans." Donald Trump and his base share striking similarities with the Borg Queen and her drones of the TV/Movies " Star Trek ." The Borg was a white-skinned, zombie-like group of cybernetic organisms, part organic and part artificial life, linked to a hive-like place called the Collective. Though a process known as "assimilation", which included forcibly transforming individual beings into "drones." Each Borg drone was surgically augmented with cybernetic components and given constant supervision and guidance by the authoritarian Borg Queen. Donald Trump's singular, relentless goal seems to be Authoritarianism. He demands complete, unquestioning control and loyalty o

Might We Have a "Second" on this Motion?

  The Liberty Bell is a symbol of freedom, justice, democracy, equality, human rights, and more. The bell's inscription, "Proclaim Liberty Throughout All the Land Unto All the Inhabitants thereof, "from Leviticus 25:10 in the Bible, inspired abolitionists in the 19th century to fight to end slavery in the United States. The bell has also been used to promote other causes, such as women's rights, civil rights, and protests against political oppression. The last time it was repaired and rung was in 1846 for George Washington's birthday and the bell has not been rung since. Perhaps it would be a good time to ring it again when we remove the treasonous man named Trump from all American politics on Nov. 5, 2024!