HOPE. . . can be for the sinner, too!

JD VANCE  -  The Hillbilly Huckster

Following the Democrat National Convention last night, the choice for Donald Trump's Vice President, JD Vance, had a few things to say to the world. 

"Howdy, y'all. . . just wanted to get the record straight. Donald Trump is the one for Hope! He's always been for hope. He hopes all of y'all Democrats get stung by a thousand Warrior Wasps. He hopes the state of New York loses all of its law suits against Mr. Trump. He hopes the "Cyber Ninja" company that audited the election returns in Arizona will be more successful next time. He hopes that Putin comes to America and works his magic on turning our democracy into an autocracy. He hopes the Democrat Party will have to file for bankruptcy and disappear. He hopes for lots of things that will be good for the MAGA cult. There's nothing wrong with hoping!"

"However," JD continues,  "if you mean hope for the people...shoot! Nobody's hoping for anything for them. We're talking about hope to demolish our democracy and rebuild it right this time!

Yessir. . . Mr. Trump is just plumb stuffed full of hope. "


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