The Hall of Fame losers. . .


On November 4, 2008, John McCain was defeated by Barack Obama for President of the United States. Obama received 365 electoral votes to McCain's 173 and Obama had 53% of the popular vote to 46% for McCain. There is an interesting piece of information about that race that must be remembered  in respect to the Trump/Harris election this year. 

Contrary to what the experts said, Obama received 68% of votes from young voters and McCain - who was expected to receive a huge number - only received 30%. It turned out to be a huge help for Obama.

Perhaps this year will be the same for the Democrat. Polls have been showing Trump may be doing well with the younger voters against Biden. Since Kamala Harris is now the presumptive nominee for the Democrats, she is doing very well with the young voters. 

And, there is another down side to the Republican Party. JD Vance's likeability is in the toilet at the moment. He has seemed to anger voters up and down the ballot. It turns out, his background is sketchy and shaky and his current racial and ethnic mutterings are no better. 

There have been grumblings coming from the Mar-a-Lago direction and maybe he is waiting to see who Harris will choose for her Vice President before he makes a decision. That should come sometime during the next week.

Smart money would say, "Dump Vance."  But with Trump, what does "smart" money have to do with anything? There hasn't been smart money seen in his camp since he came up with the stupid idea to run again for president!

There are two kinds of people in the world of politics.  There are "rockets" (the kind that shoot straight up and win) and there are "rocks" (the kind that shoot straight up about two feet...and then drop - like a rock.

JD Vance is a rock. . . He is a hillbilly who came out of the hills, looked around, and (mentally) went back in. He never gained any altitude and he should have been "scrubbed" before "lift off." 

. . . and then there's DJ Trump. . . all of the censored words about him are already used up!

An Opinion By
John Watson


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