MAGA is the new "1984" by George Orwell

"Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell is a dystopian novella published in 1949 that follows a low-ranking member of the Party who controls every aspect of life in Oceania. The Party has brainwashed the population into unquestioning obedience to its leader, Big Brother, and uses mass media control, government surveillance, and propaganda to crush individuality. The Party also threatens to send people to Room 101 or vaporize them for disobeying, and even facial expressions or talking in your sleep can get you arrested."


Presidential Candidate DJ Trump and his Side-Kick JD Vance are trying to "re-live those golden days of yore in 1984 " as they tell their MAGA Cult that "the Party told you to reject he evidence of your eyes and ears. (It may be their final,  most essential command.)

As a matter of fact, "Project 2025"  may be the last book by these two con men they will ever write. Our stumbling and amazingly slow-witted and authoritarian  would-be dictators have overseen the writing of the "Project" book that will finally "cook their goose." 

From coast-to-coast and from border-to-border, America is rejecting the book before it's even published. The offensive and outright cruel things that are planned for those of us who enjoy our democracy has turned off even members of their own Party. We can only assume, however, they will rush it to the printers if they win the 2024 election. (to voters, that is an important clue.)

We need to give DJ and JD one-way tickets to which ever country will accept them. They are traitors like we haven't seen in decades! And yes, when you attempt to overturn our rule of law, our constitution and our democracy, you are a traitor!

Nov. 5, 2024 -  Vote for your democracy or for their dictatorship!  


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