The rattlesnake struck out in defense today!

 The Name Trump and the Burial of Truth 
Is always a Natural Fit

August 8, 2024 will go down in history as the day Donald J. Trump went down to his knees and begged voters to believe him when he tells them that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are the most hated people on the planet. 

Trump said our economy is the worst it's been in years. It may not be in recession yet, but it's as bad as America has been in many years. He also said Harris and Walz are completely incapable of fixing it!

Trump also said if he had been in charge, the Israeli battle would never had happened - because he could have stopped it. He also said he could have stopped the Ukraine invasion by Russia, had he still been president.

The political and private lives of Harris and Walz are despicable and all of the humans on the Planet Earth know it! Harris was supposed to fix the border problems and she didn't do a damn thing. She is a "nasty" person and will be the "worst president in our history." Walz is a huge liberal - the worst the world has ever seen.

That was what the people heard as they watched their televisions. Trump did not let the TV cameras show the "crowd" at the press "briefing" at Mar-A-Lago. There were no microphones in the crowd so we did not hear the questions to Trump - only his "answers." 

We don't know if the questions came from FOX reporters or simply MAGA people who were bussed in. As a matter of fact, we don't know much of anything - except Trump's voice as he spewed the most vile descriptions on Harris and Walz,

This was a hatchet job on Trump's opposition - and plainly a grotesque, pitiful, and defeated appearance by a candidate that is truly on his knees as he asks for mercy. 

When you come upon a rattlesnake in the road, it will immediately go into a defensive mode, coil, and strike at you - its enemy. That's what I heard from Donald J. Trump today. He never sounded more defeated and frightened than he did today.

And he has a very good reason for it, too!


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