JD Lance , the hunter-gatherer Neanderthal. . .

JD Vance was once a hunter-gatherer

This Republican/MAGA Neanderthal is looking for trouble. He is about to get his butt kicked all the way back to the Neanderthal era by a lady who will be placing his boastful and lying  butt onto the kicking tee from the Oval Office. 

His name if JD Vance and he actually believes his big mouth will qualify his to be Vice-President of the United States. It is said that somewhere in his humble hillbilly life he was granted a vision that showed him how he could reach for great things by using a pea-sized brain to conjure up deplorable ideas. Today, they just refer to it as a Republican/ MAGA hairbrained stunt to antagonize the locals.

The "Vision-Maker" was, of course, none other than DJ Trump.

These "twins of torture" were born to persecute the masses. Whatever was working well for the people would work better if JD and DJ had a much bigger piece of the pie. There was definitely much more that could be done if they didn't have to share so much with the peons. And then there is that pesky thing called "taxes" for the rich and powerful. . . that  just has got to stop.

The JD elegy is unclear, but he, himself,  is not. He definitely wants the "have-nots" moved much farther down the standard of living chart and his self-perceived standard of living should be moved much higher. This will be attained by closely following the steps in "Project 2025."

The women voters are absolutely right:  Abortion and other women's
rights are staring up at voters from the ballot this November!

Bon Appetit, DJ and JD!


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