From New York "Boss" Tweed to New York "Boss" Trump

"Boss" Tweed and "Boss" Trump Proudly Proclaimed:  "In Counting There Is Strength"

 Political Cartoon by Thomas Nast

First, let's talk about a crook, politician, questionable businessman, election fraud,  and all-around bad guy. His name was William Marcy Tweed, much better known simply as Boss Tweed. He was most notable as the political boss of Tammany Hall. He controlled local politics in New York City in the 1860'd and the 1870's.

He became infamous for coining the phrase, "As long as I count the votes, what are you going to do about it?" 

And control the votes he evidently did - with great success. Whatever it took to get himself elected (he was a Senator) and others, he handled through the "counting of votes" process - like Boss Trump tried to do in Georgia in 2020 election)

Thomas Nast, considered the father of political cartoonists, made Tweed his "personal enemy number one" and hounded him relentlessly until the end. 

And then came another "Tweed" slithering down the New York City street, until he made the mistake of getting too big for his britches and thought he would be a great politician. His name is Donald J. Trump. He, too, thought he could win an election by "counting" the votes. He tried and failed, but he didn't close up shop - just yet! It is reported that his "counting" is alive and well. He has fake delegates who will serve to help him win the Electoral College, which will put him into office! (Tweed would be so proud of another New York criminal following in his footsteps.)

"Boss" Trump must have the words of "Boss" Tweed ringing in his ears: "As long as I count the votes, what are you going to do about it?"  Run crying to the U.S. Supreme Court?  Yeah, good luck with that. They can count, too!

Well, the first thing we should do about it  is get him convicted, in handcuffs, booked, in solitary confinement until after the election, and then a long stretch in the "big house!"

Messing with the votes of Americans is about as bad as anything I can think of.  How about you?


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