Montana - What are you waiting for?

We were sitting at our dining room table last night, eating and trying to catch up on the local/state news. The story about our wretched state of affairs regarding taxes came up. Gov. Gianforte was seated at the big table with a few guys scattered about. The television crew was listening to each legislator as they talked about how they have the tax problem worked out.

First, every damn one of them belongs to the Party that got us into this fix in the first place. Does it make sense to you that they are the ones we should let "fix" the problem? Wasn't it their "supermajority" that caused the dastardly problem? The richest of Montana got tax cuts and the rest of us got an unholy increase! 

Why was there nary a Democrat at the table during the "fixing?"

Well, I'm asking a rhetorical question, aren't I?

Will we end up with another "superdoopermajority legislature next session? Will they finally finish us off this time? Or, will we stand up on our hind legs, grow a backbone, and turn this state around to what it used to be:  "The Last Best Place" when Democrats had something to say about things?

Did Gianforte and his MAGA henchmen run the liberals out of Montana?  And speaking of Gianforte, he must be awfully sure he is going to win again - I haven't seen a single one of his ads on TV. Maybe he runs them in the middle of the night.

A lot of questions. . . and no answers. A few years ago, Montana took care of things pretty well. Then, evidentially, Democrats lost their way to the ballot box.

Let's get to work . . . and get these MAGA Montanans out of the way! 



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