Plow Him Under and Seed the Next Crop!

I will make this as clear as I know how. There is a human being living in this country and for the life of me, I don't know why he is allowed to do so. He is free to do as he wants, say what he wants, usurp our rule of law, our constitution, and mock our precious democracy. 

He mocks our very existence as a nation of freedoms. He is an extreme racist and believes all men and women should think as he does and live as he lives. He has been sued and found guilty more times than I will probably ever know. He has had Six bankruptcies, Two impeachments as president of the United States, Four major legal losses in New York, Twenty-Six sexual assault accusers, Eighty-Eight criminal counts in four cases, Ten findings of criminal contempt of court. Found guilty of corrupt practices of handling a charity account, Forced to shut down an illegal handling of his corrupt University and various other phony businesses. 

He was charged with inciting an insurrection at our Capitol Building, an attempt to overturn our national election, and an attempt to overturn our government. He was found by fact-checkers to have lied to the American People more than 35,000 times. 

All of that and probably much more as President of the United States and during his run for the office again. It is being reported that he is pursuing another plan to once again overturn an election, should he lose. He has also announced he will turn our nation into a dictatorship on the first day of his presidency.

We spend more time itemizing the illegal activates of this man than we do following the legal actions of the present government. 

Considering all of the atrocities, this man is still enjoying all of the freedoms a law-abiding citizen possess.  Why is that?

Worse, this pathetic individual is the Republican Party's nominee for President. . . AGAIN. . . with all of his past crimes, lies, tax cheating, crooked business dealings, et al!  WHY? He should have been stopped from getting on any ballot - anywhere!

America is a laughing-stock of the world and we just keep bumping along like we are in control of things and we all have good sense.

We the People have got to plow this man under like yesterday's field of wheat crop stubble.  We can't tolerate him anymore!


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