What's a lie or two between friends?

Poor Donald. Try as he might, he just can't make the words come out right. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. did have more people attending his "I have a dream" speech than Trump had people attending any of his rallies. And Obama had many more people at his Inauguration Address than Trump had at his. Thousand more! 

There seems to be only one thing, however, that Trump can outdo anyone on, and that is LIES! He is the undisputed champion and I doubt his record will ever be beaten. . . unless he is re-elected. Then, of course, we can expect him to go for a "personal best" record.

Donald just can't seem to find a break. Everyone is on to his lies and they can fact-check them faster than he can change the subject to another lie. 

Lying has been a way of life for Trump. He figures if he keeps them coming, the listeners will soon believe them - and TRUTH will be a thing of the past. 

This is exactly how autocracies and dictatorships begin.

From George Orwell's book "1984"


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