VOTING IS EASY. . . when you have the truth to help you

Don't Let Them Ever Forget!

There should be one overriding factor embedded in your memory that will assist you in deciding between Harris and Trump!

One of them has his war plans drawn up and ready. He has even had his insane manifesto published in book form, if you dare to read it. The title is:

"Project 2025" 
How Trump will destroy the nation

It's written in easy-to-read standard print form (of course) for the readers they have targeted. It will lead you through the "dry run" of the insurrection on January 6, 2021 and beyond the January 6, 2025 successful coup.

There were approximately 145 brave law enforcement people who were badly beaten and 3 deaths by the MAGA-inspired army of Trump's thugs on Jan. 6, 2021.  

Your other  choice is  Kamala Harris, who will always fight to retain our democracy, our constitution, and our rule of law. 

Is your needle moving toward Harris, yet?

Never in the history of the United States has a presidential candidate openly defied our election laws and promised the American people if he loses the election he will refuse the results and immediately move to an insurrection on our government. He went even further and said if he is not declared the winner. THERE WILL BE A HORRIBLE "BLOODBATH!"

Is your needle moving all the way toward Harris now?

This is not an election. . . this is a hostile, attempt at another take- over by the same desperate, criminal-minded madman who is hell-bent on making our nation an authoritarian dictatorship!

Your choices are now pure and simple, easy to understand, and clear as a large living-room picture window!


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