The Thinker - Stinker

The Thinker

Gibberish that made no sense
 Donald J. Trump

"I never understood wind. You know, I know windmills very much. Gases are spewing into the atmosphere. You know we have a world, right? So the world is tiny compared to the universe. So tremendous, tremendous amount of fumes and everything."

- Donald "Stable Genius"  Trump

He is definitely not a genius - far from it - but we don't look for a genius as our president, either. Of course, we also don't want someone who will embarrass the heck out of our nation and the world. It seems obvious to me that his gibberish ramblings are getting worse. At the slightest pause, he will veer off on a tangent and completely lose people. 

"Donald is getting worse. The lies more absurd, the rambling more incoherent. This must be turning more and more people off (apart from the cult, of course). He is frankly insane." - MSNBC host

"If you act like Trump in a bar, you would get thrown out. If you act like that in a retirement home, you're going to be medicated right now. How can this many people be so stupid to follow him?"  - Facebook comment

"Remember when he made fun of people who needed a teleprompter? And people who took the 5th and said felons shouldn't be president? Remember? He literally said, "I don't care about you. I just want your vote."

"He is a threat to society. He's crazy as hell."  CNN guest

Remember when he made the vicious mockery of a reporter who has a neurological condition, but still does his job.

It is a problem that is getting worse each time he starts talking in public. And the problem is not we, the voters, to fix. If his family can't talk him in to dropping out of the race and his friends and fellow politicians can't convince him to give it up, the only thing left to stop a catastrophe from happening. . . is to not vote for him!

If you do go into that good night, Donald, feel free to go into it kicking and screaming if it will make you feel better!  


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