Here come da judge. . . There go our rule of law

 The United States (Most) Supreme Court 
Hail to thee, Oh ye unethical ones of the ultra-conservative court. There's Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, and cute Amy Barrett, Thomas and Alito and Roberts, the Chief. 

Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito are the radical, hair-on-fire MAGA/Republicans on the Court. They have assisted the former president Trump through his trials and tribulations as he traversed the ins and outs of law in order to end with an immoral finding of near-total immunity. He could almost do what he proclaimed years earlier: He could shoot someone dead on Fifth Avenue and get away with no charge! 

Out U.S. Supreme Court has become the ultimate "Judge on the highest Throne" when finding guilt or innocence based on whether it meets with their Conservative ideology. Their brutal bias is starting to "stink up" the definition of "blind justice!"

This will cause major court reforms to take place. Currently, the high court has no ethics' guidelines from which to work. They say it's up to individual justices to handle - which is saying, "We'll do as we want because we know best what is right and what is wrong." 

All other federal judges in America do their jobs while obeying a written code of ethics. 

Sometime ago, the Supreme Court decided they wanted to get in on the world of politics - like everything else in our government - and we must have missed when the guardrails came down on the most important one: Individual ethics!

President Biden is trying to fix that before he leaves office. The real battle will be when congressional Republicans stop him from killing a good thing for their crooked ideological plans! 


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