My Gawd. . . we just elected "Skippy" for Speaker!


"Skippy" Johnson, Speaker of the House of Dirt, is holding another "hill top" meeting.  He has received his marching orders from the "Orange One" of Mar-A-Lago and is filling in the troops as to how they will attempt to steal another election.

"Skippy" is in charge of all matters of the U.S. House except for stuff that involves bills, rules, and other stuff. Everything else is handled in secret by the Orange One - with "Skippy" allowed to watch. "Skippy" is a good listener though, and seldom says a word when in the presents of the "Orange Oracle."

Long ago on a dark  and windy night in between votes to elect a new Speaker of the House, "Skippy" heard his name called up for a vote to filled the Speakership. He was stunned! He knew he didn't have a chance, but he put on his "I'm qualified" face and took his round of applause and sat down. He was on the 1,067th impossible ballot for another vote and Representatives were barely awake. The roll call was taken and there was deafening silence. "Skippy had won!

Suddenly, "Skippy" was the Speaker. More silence. More disbelief. Everyone looked at each other and someone said, "What the hell did we just do?"

There were hushed whispers and loud gasps.

"My God, we just made "Skippy" the Speaker!" someone said. "
We've got to void this!"

"Skippy" yelled out, "I can do it. I can do it. I can do it. Everybody out of my way. I need my gavel!

And he's been trying to make them believe it every since!

Poor "Skippy."  He's just "Skippy."  He's just dorky "Skippy." He's just. . .  He doesn't know anything. . . except Trump's private phone number.

He's know. . . he's just "Skippy."



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