Has the Elephant-in- the Room been lying to us?

Trump - The Elephant In The Room

The GOP/MAGA voters have got to realize how their party looks to America right now. They could be near-sighted or far-sighted, but they must still see the huge problem in their room.

We don't need to itemize all of the character flaws, the sexual attacks, the IRS cheating, the cooking of the books, the theft of  top secret documents, the lies, the assault on our nation's capitol to overturn our presidential election, on and on. . . do we?

Trump is a gangland, one-man "family" in the "New York City Cosa Nostra!" 

And yet, he and his followers still want him to get elected to his old job in the Oval Office. They are even willing to break all of the laws, again, to help him. He not only filled their brains with so much trash that nearly eight years later they still believe all of it. How can that be?

He is still the "elephant in the room" and we will find out if he will still be standing in the "living room" when the election numbers are tallied. Will the Trump/MAGA voters come to their senses in time, or will they all go down with "The Trump Ship of Fools?"

I may not be the sharpest drawing pencil on the easel, but for the life of me, how is this buffoon still hanging around? Have American Voters been injected with some kind of special fantasy serum

Or, have the Poll-Watchers been drinking the Trump Kool-Aid and lying their butts off to the media?

We'll see in less than 100 days, folks.  We'll see!


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