More tall tales by Donald Trump. . . 

Donald's tale about Kamala the chameleon

The former president is absolutely convinced that his opponent, Kamala Harris, was at one time long ago, not black. She was definitely another color and she woke up one morning and (POOF!) there you have it. . .she was black!

She just magically changed. I guess she doesn't know how it happened. How in the heck did she do that?  Is she a human chameleon? 

Or, is Trump as squirrely and missing a few key ingredients (like we all think he is) in that cavity in his skull just below the blond wig?

Kamala doesn't remember it, her husband and children don't remember the story.  As a matter of fact, only Donald seems to remember the dramatic skin color change. 

Some men search for silver and gold
and some just for something to do.
While Trump makes up lies - big and bold
about his opponents skin hue.

It's almost worth getting out of bed each day - just so see what this mindless nincompoop has planned for today!  I personally think he has finally met his match in opponents and he's up against the wall about now. Will he find a way out of this election that he and Vance have no chance of winning? Or, will he come up with another "crisis" to turn the voter's attention away from his trouble again?

Stay tuned. Same time tomorrow, same soap opera, and on this same radio dial.  "As the stomach turns!"


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