And MAGA dined on Republicans. . .


Today, we are in a strange and dangerous place. Nothing seems right. One of our two main political parties has decided they are not interested in a democracy any more. As a matter of fact, they seem to have grown a real fondness for something that looks a lot like the folks we fought and beat the tar out of in Europe many years ago. 

America is now cattywompus to everything it used to be. 

What used to be left is still left, but what used to be right -  well, it ain't right now! It went wrong! It's the beginning of an anarchy. It is in a state of disorder due to an absence or nonrecognition of decent authority, A former president from the right has decided to promise everyone he is the "new real deal" and life will be so much better if they follow him. 

The "real deal" guy is promising "free Bubble-Up and Rainbow Stew" if they will follow his authoritarian lifestyle! He preaches to the masses about how great their life will be, but it sure looks a lot like life will only be much better for him.

And that's when all hell broke loose and the phrase "Make America Great Again" was the first sign of our country going "cattywompus."  The MAGA faction sat down on the river bank with the Republicans. . .  and dined on - you guessed it -  Republicans for lunch. When they were through, it appeared only MAGA's gluttonous greed was still around to toast the "togetherness." The Republicans that survived had to clean the dishes,  and then were never heard from again!

On November 5, 2024, America goes to the polls to vote. We do have a chance to sort thing out and straighten the table again. We don't need to live with everything cattywompus and out of sorts. 

Let's get 'er done!


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