Two blind mice leading the can't see!

Tweedledum and Tweedledee
Agreed to have a battled,
For Tweedledum said Tweedledee
had spoiled his nice new rattle

Just then flew down a monstrous crow,
As black as a tar-barrel,
Which frightened both the heroes so,
They quite forgot their quarrel!

(English nursery rhyme by poet John Byrom   - 18th Century)

Donald J. Trump and JD Vance are as similarly alike as two peas in a pea pod; or as menacing as two cons in one jail cell; or as unqualified as two orangutans at a spelling bee; or as crowded as two ninnies in a phone booth.

What were the chances that these two "weirdos" would ever get together on one ballot?  That, alone, is weird enough, but think about this: Once they came together, the opposition party started referring to them as "weird as hell."

Keep in mind, this is the top two Republican/MAGA choices to lead our nation into the weeds and brambles (and poison ivy) of autocracy, and out of the fields of clover and sunflowers, and democracy!

Any Republican/MAGA who hangs their hat on the tomfoolery  of Tweedle-dum and Tweedle-dee to land Trump and Vance in the winner's circle is crazy as a loon. 

These two buffoons are liable to get the entire membership of the Republican/MAGA party in jail before it's over!

BREAKING NEWS!  Tweedldum is beginning to think Tweedledee may not be cut out for this high-stakes race.  Stay tuned.


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