Scottie, this is the Captain. . . Give me everything you've got!"

Donald Trump as the Borg Queen

 "I am the beginning, the end, the one who is many. I am the Borg Queen - leader of the Collective."   -  Star Trek

(Translation) "I am Donald Trump, the beginning, the end, the one who is many. I am the everything - leader of MAGA/Republicans."

Donald Trump and his base share striking similarities with the Borg Queen and her drones of the TV/Movies "Star Trek." The Borg was a white-skinned, zombie-like group of cybernetic organisms, part organic and part artificial life, linked to a hive-like place called the Collective. Though a process known as "assimilation", which included forcibly transforming individual beings into "drones." Each Borg drone was surgically augmented with cybernetic components and given constant supervision and guidance by the authoritarian Borg Queen.

Donald Trump's singular, relentless goal seems to be Authoritarianism. He demands complete, unquestioning control and loyalty of his Republican Party and base. His base is a fervent, mainly white-skinned group that services his whims without question, potentially at the expense of their personal freedom and safety. Donald falsely claims he wants to bring order to chaos, but it is his aggressive, racist rhetoric that inflames chaos and vigilantism on the street of America. His goal is to ignore the underlying root problems causing all in the hope of assimilating protester's back into a silent society.

Trump has been compared to the Borg since at least 2020 by various writers. His style, his determination, and his ruthlessness match the Borg's commands when approaching someone to be targeted as another drone in the Collective: "Resistance is Futile!" We assume when Trump spoke, future "Base" nincompoops obeyed and soon became good little "drone" Trumpers and Trumpettes."

Why else would there be so darn many of them?

I admit to one giant love of everything "Star Trek". I have been a "Trekkie" since the beginning.  I would let them sew my middle and ring finger together so I could give the Vulcan salute. 

And in Trump's world, I would learn the "Vulcan Mind-meld" so I could meld Donald Trump's face to the rear-end of a gorilla!

"Live Long and Prosper, Democrats!"


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