Oh, it's cryin' time again. . . he's gonna' cheat us. . .


 "Something Evil This Way Comes!"

I hope you have all been sufficiently warned that Trump, Vance, and their flying monkeys have cranked up their crooked,  lyin', and cheatin' election nitwits for 2024. It's going to be another battle of the GOPers versus  the American Rule of Law! In Georgia, the election officials have been told to move Republican troublemakers off of the election  work list. They have already been caught once for faking the  2020 election results and it is reported that they are in the process of doing it again. Crooked workers, fake electorates, whatever will get the job done!

We need to understand that these MAGA/Republican crooks are willing to do anything to win - even go against our serious rule of law. Their leader, Donald Trump, is a man with absolutely no morals. He would hang his closest and most loyal friend if it got him the job he so fervently wants.

What kind of a person would attempt such a despicable crime of tampering - and overturning - a presidential election a second time?

Answer:  A pathological liar, a narcissistic, and a man who doesn't have one-half ounce of concern for the rest of us who tries to live by the rules!  If he had spent one-tenth the time he has spent on breaking the law -  on finding ways to work within the law - he might have made something of himself. . . maybe. 

Gawd, how does he sleep at night?


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