Remember the little ones when you vote. . .

Some of the Great-Grandchildren
 with the Old Guy 

I will always look for an excuse to show off my great great-grandchildren. I'm only sorry they aren't all in this  photo. The reason I'm using it, however, is to remind me that elections are not just for folks who will be affected by the politicians and the bills they vote on during them time in office. It will almost certainly affect these little ones, like those pictured here, plus millions more, in the years ahead. 

The political structure of our nation is constantly moving, and we who are of voting age now must always think about that each time we are asked to vote. 

We who are registered, must never forget our responsibility to vote. Not just for the present situations of our country, but for the little ones who will be expected to accept what we have decided on - or allow them to change, if necessary. 

A tragic example would be when the U.S. Supreme Court banned abortion and health care rights for women.  Today, we must face the fact that, because of that high court decision,  all women suddenly have less rights today than their grandmothers were given. 

We can't vote for such important rights without assuring future citizens that it will be accessible for them, too.

Please vote - but do so with respect for those yet to come.

The "little dude" says, "listen to my great-grandpa!"


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