Yellow Striping-down- the-back must have been the "in thing"" that year

What's the Big Deal about Arlington? 
It's Just Filled with a Bunch of "Suckers" and "Losers"

The former United States Commander-in-Chief shows how deep his respect goes for his military forces. 

A few days ago, he wanted to "shoot" a campaign commercial for himself in Arlington National Cemetery. Keep in mind what he said to a group of military officials about our bravest and best who lost their lives on a battlefield in France during World War II: "Why do we have to visit that cemetery? It's just filled with a bunch of "Suckers" and "Losers." He has tried to deny he ever said it, but at least one of the men who was in the group with Trump admits the then-president absolutely did say it. 

Before he stomped into the hallowed ground of Arlington National Cemetery this week, those in charge of the grounds told him he could NOT take pictures there. Of course, that would be like waving a red flag in front of a bull. . .and in charged Trump and his MAGA thugs with cameras grinding away. When an Arlington worker stepped in to stop them, he was forcibly shoved out of the way. 

Now, I DID say we are talking about Arlington National Cemetery, didn't I? The place where our brave American soldiers, sailors, air men, and marines are buried. The hallowed ground that holds those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for all of us. . . 

yeah. . . even him!

(That guy with the "bone spur" and a stripe down his back as bright yellow as you will ever see!)


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