The "Weirdos" of What May Be. . .

 The "Weird Bunch" of the Trump-Vance Cult

They were once know simply as "Trump's Base." They were most visible as the youthful, smiling, screaming, banner-waving hoodlums  in red caps seated behind Trump at his rallies.  For the most part, they didn't appear to be much of a problem.

The announcement of Kamala Harris's running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, gave the Republican/MAGA leadership the moniker of "Weirdos! He says they are a puzzling and scary bunch of people.

The "base" suddenly became the "Weirdos" and everything changed. These folks are looking at 2025 as their year to shine. They are a part of the "Project 2025" Manifesto that will change our democracy into an autocracy and our people into an even more divided pot of steaming stew. This stew will bubble and brew, divide and fester until we will become a land of "haves" and "hardly has any." It will be Trump and his "junk yard dog" JD Vance's happy home!

All rights will be stripped away from the people by the Cult's "hooded hooligans of the night." About the only thing we will be allowed to do without permission is bathroom runs. Abortions are never allowed and even getting pregnant will probably  be on a permission-only basis. 

The "night-riders of the cult" will be out in force 24/7 to make sure we follow the rules of the "Project 2025" program. 

Meanwhile, the "haves" are watching us from their windows and video cameras as they celebrate the new world they created. It will be a wonderous thing!

And it is all happening as a gift from Trump and Vance because they wanted us to have a better life than we had before "Project 2025."



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