Our Rule of Law Ain't Worth a Plug Nickle . .


Presidential Candidate Donald J. Trump 
told America  "if he did not win
 there would be a "Bloodbath."

When was the last time you heard a presidential candidate use language like that? I'm guessing never - and I go back to the 1960 election of John F. Kennedy. I have been an avid junkie of politics ever since and I'm sure if a candidate had said such a statement, I'd remember. 

It is ludicrous to even consider the notion that someone would threaten such action. 

I will tell you something even more preposterous. This man is back for another attempt at overturning the election if he is unsuccessful in winning. In his last attempt, people died, were viciously beaten, damage was done to our Capitol, members went into hiding, there were threats made on the lives of the Vice President, Speaker of the House, and others    - all by the thugs who acted under the orders of Donald J. Trump!

And yet, here we are. Same song, second verse, won't get better, and he's promising it will get worse!

The simple, no-nonsense rhetorical question begs: WHY ARE WE GIVING HIM ANOTHER BITE OF THE APPLE?

His intentions are pure evil. After his last disastrous attempt that nearly brought our democracy, constitution, and rule of law to an end, why in the hell is he even back here as a candidate? 

But for the insane actions of the partisan U.S. Supreme Court, he would be in prison right now!  To get this close to the Oval Office again makes our democracy look foolish and our rule of law look like a joke. And, we owe millions of apologies to those who lacked the money and power to stay out of prison.

We'll get through this somehow, but we had better promise ourselves something:  STRAIGHTEN UP OUR RULE OF LAW SO IT APPLIES TO EVERYONE. . . NOT JUST THE RICH, POWERFUL, AND TREASONOUS BASTARDS!

My verbiage may be uncivil, but not nearly as bad as the condition of our rule of law that would allow this thug to do this to us again!

Lady Justice, your halo has slipped down over you eyes this time.



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