They are reaping a "goldarn category five hurricane"

It is becoming more evident each time we look at the pitiful scenes on our television sets. Donald J. Trump is failing right before our eyes. He is visibly frustrated and at times he appears confused. Often, he can't sustain the thought long enough to verbalize what he wants to say. He believes  he is legally allowed to make fun of Kamala Harris, her ethnicity, her skin color, his claim that she changed her skin color several years ago  - everything!

The presidential candidate is losing the battle that used to be his forte - putting others off-balance and unable to think fast enough on their feet to keep up with him.

His troubles began when Biden dropped out as candidate and was replaced by a younger, attractive, more agile on her feet, and  former prosecutor, attorney general and current Vice-President of the United States. To say Donald has meet his match would be a huge understatement - and her approval ratings are stealing his thunder. . .  and it is driving him to collapse under the pressure.

Politics has never been his "best side," unless you call lying when you don't know what else to say about the subject as politics. People really do want the truth from their politicians, but Trump has never grasped that concept. He firmly believes that he will "tell the people what they want!"

Regular members of the Grand Old Party are still out there in Right field and floundering. They still want the good ol' days, but who do they vote for? Trump snuck into their camp and stole the GOP banner and so far they have had no luck at getting it back.

As long as Trump is still the "grand poo-paw of MAGA" his "declining" can't come soon enough. Ballots still show "Republican" and there is no other choice than "Trump,"  although many are voting Democrat this year. They firmly believe - like most of us - anybody but Trump!

In the King James Version of the Bible, God says, "They sow the wind, and reap the whirlwind."

Only this time, "they are reaping a goldarn category five hurricane!"


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