Why Can He Still Run For Office?


Why Can't 'She' Lock Him Up?

Why can't the American People get some justice for what they have had to endure with this guy? He has literally shaken to the core our democracy, constitution, and rule of law and, as yet, still walking around free, fat, and sassy. He has even been allowed to run for President of the United States! 

Those of us who are not qualified to run are: non-natural-born citizens, not yet 35 years of age, or must have been a resident of the U.S. for 14 years, 

Why is this man eligible to keep running for the Oval Office? According to the New York Times, he has no formal campaign restrictions, and he remains highly competitive in polls. But his sentencing on the New York convictions was set for July 11, 2024 while other cases have been looming. The obvious next question was: can he run if he has been convicted? This is the simplest question to answer:: FOR SOME DAMN REASON, the answer is YES, HE CAN!

My take on the entire mess is this: There seems to be but three basic laws that would make a person ineligible  to  run for President. They pertain to age, natural or non-natural birth, and how long they have been a resident of our country.

Laws that would have real honest-to-God substance of a person, such as character, living within the rule of law, and a known pattern of public decency would be helpful. The former president who is trying to win again - in most of our books  - would not come even close to being eligible!

Attorneys are raking in millions and millions as they go through the hoops of arguing our toothless laws for a client who couldn't ordinarily get hired in a burger joint.

Again, it comes down to money - like it always does - and we voters are left with a witless, narcissistic, pathological liar who is as close to being a  mafia crime boss as we've ever seen, for President of the United States. . . AGAIN!  Who will  some day line the pockets of unscrupulous attorneys . . AGAIN!

Yeah, Mr., Mrs., or Ms. Attorney, you've got yourself a nice little business going here. Ever think about changing a few laws? I mean, I (we) can't change them - and most congressional politicians are attorneys. So. . . . . .


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