Is It Just Me, or Is This Guy Wacky as a Loon?

The sound of the fiery horse with the speed of light,
a cloud of dust and a hearty Hi - Yo, Trumpy!
JD Vancey-Pants is off to the rubber-room again!

He passes a middle-aged lady on the street who just doesn't look right. "Hey, wench. . . how many kids have you spawned?" It is Vancey-Pants' signature way of saying, "Good Morning!"

This guy could only have been found by "Trumpy." to be his running mate. He is considered by many to be a "weird dude" who is highly agitated if he finds a woman who has not taken the advantage of giving birth. He believes she should not be given certain rights and privilege's that mothers receive. So, if a married woman and her husband have decided to not have children. . . well, you can expect to get a call or personal visit from Vancey-Pants to urge to best get into the world of child-raising  - and often, too! 

This 40-year-old Hillbilly aficionado is from Middletown, Ohio is a member of the Republican Party, with special attention given to the MAGA Cult. He has changed his first and last name three times and has gone through - in the eyes of his critics - highly dubious political transformations: from blue-collar and self-described "Never Trump" conservative to hard-edged MAGA loyalist to a Trumpster Forever! He claims he has now had a genuine change of heart!

We see a very strange man with even stranger ideas about America - and, if Trump wins - is one more assassins' bullet from running our nation for four years.

And that should scare us all to death!

Opinion by
John Watson


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