We Have Seen The Evil Of His Mind


Who Tarnished "The Shining City on the Hill?"

I cannot tell a lie - it was him! He came into the national political scene in 2017 and immediately began tearing our constitution, rule of law, our democracy, and our entire nation into shreds!

We have been injured over the years and we have been badly damaged by a civil war, but this man tarnished our nation's reputation around the world. Our allies and our adversaries will forever view us as unstable. Can we ever be their inspiration for a near-perfect democracy? Will we ever again be a leader in the world? Will they ever again believe we will  always be there for them?

This broken man says "no." This narcissist will protect only what he chooses to protect for himself. His world only stretches about as far as his arms will reach. Beyond that is of little concern to him.

America seems paralyzed by fear of this man. We can run through the litany of his felonies, his unsavory life style, his failed business dealings, his pathological lying, his ruthless disparaging of his political opponents. . . all of it, and still we let him come back for more. One of the two major political parties saw fit to nominate him as their choice for president - again!

Our citizenry are literally scared out of their wits and losing sleep because of his promises "of things to come when he is elected again!" We must all read "Project 2025" to see what will be turned to ashes in his drive to be the "Monarch of America."

Why didn't someone or some rule of law stop him from ever getting another chance? He has broken so many of our laws - and yet he was given the permission to reach for another bite of the apple. We have been so stupid to invite this menace, whom we all know so well, back among us!

We have a great deal of polishing to do in order to renew the "shine" to that once-great "shining city on the hill!"

He will  forever go down in our history books as the very worst example of someone who tried to bring America to its knees - and failed miserably. 

Ultimately, he will be destroyed by a woman - his misogynistic nightmare!


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