Damn You, Ed of the New York Times. . .

 The New York Times Reporter
Who Didn't Do His Due Diligence

A New York Times reporter wrote a stinging story about how "Biden had seen a Neurologist Eight times in eight months!"  A revealing story, right? The problem is, while most of America, including other big newspapers and television stations admires the Times and followed their lead, the news writer did not do his due diligence to dig down and get the facts!

The writer pushed hard against the White House Press Secretary for why Biden had seen that specialist eight times and why didn't the White House report that in the beginning. The next day, no apologies were made to the Press Secretary - on excuses!

The Answer:  That neurologist was in the White House each of those times - to see military people, as they do every month. He did not, however, see the president. President Biden has seen a neurologist three times - during each of his annual check-ups. Further, if the Times reporter had checked, he would have found that Biden was traveling on most of those eight days the doctor was in the White House. The Press Secretary said those dates have always been available to the press. 

The moral of the story: When a big story runs in a big media outlet, it is assumed they got it right. Regrettably, other news outlets jump on it and then the mistake is multiplied to millions of people.

And then everybody - newspapers, television, politicians,  talk show hosts and guests - become very busy covering their little butts and blaming others, which keeps the mistake growing.

There are, of course, other stories about whether or not Joe Biden is fit to serve another four years as our president. I am giving you only one story.

While this writer has never made a mistake in the thirty-two years in the newspaper business,  I will  continue to throw rocks at those scoundrels who do.


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