The Keepers of the Kalamities

 Guess Who's Watching Over Our Government?

Those fat and sassy fellows in the back of the room are always there. They are the keepers of the keys to the  "K" Street boys. The many lobbyists and advocacy groups hole up there and scurry about with a laptop full of questionable information that will tell our Republicans and Democrats how to vote. 

In many cases, this row of fat cats - many of whom are America's Oligarchs - have their own agendas to fill first! The needs of the American people usually come in later  - if they come at all.

Outright bribes are usually the price of the day and they are not confined to just legislators, either.  Lately, we have found out about at least two scoundrels of the U.S. Supreme Court have been filling their personal bank accounts and getting lavish travels and free RVs in return for sometimes sacred votes.

If  the full story was to ever come out about this deplorable  way of doing business, there would be another civil war.  The problem with trading votes for personal benefits means someone will ultimately have to pay for the shenanigans - and you can bet it will  be you and me.

I had a politician tell me they just don't have time to "read all of those damn bills, so they rely on lobbyists to tell them what's what."  Ain't that a great way to run a railroad?!!

More on those "statesmen and leaders" of our nation later.

Opinion by
John Watson


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