There's something Shady about this guy!

(Shoot, He Ain't No Montanan!)

Some out-0f-Staters just show up
in Montana and before you know it 
they want to be our U.S. Senator

They don't know much about us, and, frankly, they don't much care. They have a rich, big shot politician back east who is pushing the right buttons to get this Republican/MAGA guy a seat in the U. S. Senate and help them gain control. He probably didn't even know he was a Republican until "Ol' Mitch" told him he was. They told him Montana would like to hear he's a rough, tough ex-Navy Seal guy and elect him in a Bozeman minute!

Is this what makes Montana great?  Is this what has made this place so special?  Nope, it sure as hell isn't! We've had at least one other ex-Navy Seal...and he didn't turn out so great!

Let's take a second and learn something about this Sheehy guy. He's worth millions, he has already bought 37,000 acres of prime land, he thinks we should sell all of our public land to more out-of-state money barons, and . . . well, dammit, he ain't at all like the Montanans I know, and in 86 years, I've known a ton of them. 

Tim Sheehy thinks he's on his way. . . but we think he's only ON HIS WAY BACK HOME!

(There's more generations of Testers than you can count)


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