TV talking heads don't always do a helpful job. . .

TV  Anchors and Reporters  Chanting 
"Biden Most Go"

This course of action by the television networks are not only getting a little embarrassing but it is getting a little wrong-headed. If they have solid information stating why president Joe Biden should step down then they should tell the public. 

This writer is a retired long-time member of the newspaper industry and  what is happening right now in a highly crucial election is confusing, to say the least. The entire world appears to be choking with apoplectic rage over the possibility that one man named Trump might be the next President of the United States. Meanwhile, the television and print media seems to be insisting on removing the man who has beaten Trump before and is a safe bet he could do it again. 

The concern on the media's mind is simply stated as "Is Joe's mental health in a declining condition?  Does he have Parkinson's Disease? Has he seen a neurologist lately?

These are all fair questions  - albeit they should be handled with privacy until diagnosis is established and then made public with proper protocol to be followed for the president of the country. I have been diagnosed with Parkinson's and it is - to a five-year period of time - done little to diminish my brain process. I have a balance problem sometimes, and I have a problem speaking sometimes, but I certainly don't feel my "thinker" is damaged much.  Some people can live with Parkinson's for a good long time, too.

So, what is Joe's problem?  I'm all for getting him to report his health to the American people, but there is a protocol for the president to follow. And, during the most crucial presidential election this country has seen since 1861, handling it through the television sets every fifteen minutes is not, in my opinion, the best way to do it! 

Television news has always considered "investigative reporting" as grabbing a microphone and a camera man and heading straight to the story. They can do better.  

Right now, the public does not have one solid fact that would require the president to step aside. Evidently, neither does one damn television network. And until they do, they should have kept their pie-hole closed!


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