Trump and Orban. . . a marriage made in hell

Donald Trump believes he is capable of greatness. He believes he can stick an eight-foot long two-by-four in between a large rock and the world and with a hefty pull he could leverage the world twenty degrees to the Right. 

He believes he can do all of this without objection from the American people. He believes he will harness the power over people to lead them like sheep to be sheared and left to shiver on the cold snowy meadows of November. 

He is visiting with Viktor Orban, a Hungarian lawyer and Prime Minister of Hungary in Mar-a-Lago. Orban moved Hungary from a democracy to an authoritarian country and has the admiration of Donald Trump. Trump has told Orban, "You've done a good job, and you're respected all over Europe. Probably, like me, a little bit controversial, but that's okay," 

This, then, is the platform that Trump has been working from for several years. He is determined to rid America of its democracy and give himself the power and longevity he believes he so richly deserves. This is the candidate - riddled with serious character warts and bumps, felony convictions, psychological liar, et al - that the GOP/MAGA political party has chosen to be America's next President. This is the death they have chosen for us!

And the only real complaint they have about poor Joe Biden is he might be too old to last another four years. I thought that's what we had Vice-Presidents. There is no way I will accept that there are so many who agree with this insanity that Trump can be that close in the polls. 

Or, am I that far out of step with the politics in America?

Is America about to be controlled by an authoritarian mad man and his flying monkeys in the ranks of QAnon, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, and the like? 

God, you can make up my bed now. . . I'm about ready.


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