The Mysterious Ear Shot

 Trump's Bandaged Ear

It was a freaky line that bullet took that has ballistic experts in a tizzy. Right now, it seems that bullet hit the former president's hair-spray-soaked coiffure with added lacquer and second-sprayed with a coating of an all-new secret compound call plasti-kevlar.  That caused the bullet to ricochet to the right at a 84-degree angle and on a direct line toward Donald, Jr. It hit Junior in his bulletproof vest directly below the third pearl vest button and again ricocheted to the left and hit Marjorie Taylor-Greene. She is fine, however, because it hit her smack-dab in her chastity belt. From there, it shriveled up and fell to the ground. 

What about the former president's bandaged ear?  It's as fake as everything else about him.


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