Ring-tailed Righties with slopping foreheads. . .

Matt Rosendale, Steve Daines, Ryan Zinke and now Tim Sheehy is trying to buy his way into our state's election, buy big chunks of public land and charge outlandish prices to let Montanans hunt and fish on land that has always been open to them.  (let's see what he charges out-of-state friends)

We have to stop this out-of-state land grab!

Montana, why did we get dumped on with Trumpsters? Why do we get stuck with the guys from out of state? Why don't we get a shot at some calm, level-headed, intellects who did more than just drive through our state before they registered for an election? Why do we get the left-overs and rejects from another state? Why can't just one or two of them think about our Montana people's needs instead of Trump's needs to take toss out our democracy?

And now, we're being asked to spoon-feed another wannabee Montanan to replace our hard-working Montana native, Jon Tester, in the U.S. Senate!

I'm beginning to think Montana voters are a bunch of ring-tailed righties with slopped foreheads and empty spines who worship Donald Trump more than they worship justice for all!

Why can't Montana get more politicians like Jon Tester. He is a three-generation native who knows Montana and what the state needs!


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