The Montana GOP is anti-Montana Voters!

 A sincere question to Montana Voters. . . 

When it comes to our residents of the great state of Montana, shouldn't the question be:  Why not let as many voters as possible VOTE!

We all know that if the issue on the ballot will  not be advantageous to the Montana Republican Party, they will find a way to see that it gets a decent burial in the Helena Landfill. 

How do they sleep at night when they exclude someone who sincerely wants to cast a ballot? 

Why don't they work as hard to find a way for people to vote as they do to exclude them? The abortion issue is a very hot topic across the nation and Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen is working hard for the MAGA/Republicans to quash as many voters as possible.

It only makes sense if you're a Republican. . . and then it only makes sense when they want to work against the voters. We still have the remnants of the Trump-thinking cult around the country. Of course, Montana's supermajority Legislature still thinks they can do anything they want - and they will still try to cram it down our throats, too!

Don't let them!


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