The U.S. House is still an "Animal House!"

Speaker Mike Johnson says, "Off with their heads!"  He specifically said Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle is "unfit to serve" and her handling of the assassination attempt on Trump was "unconscionable." (It should be noted. however, that Johnson wants all heads of all departments removed.)

The "House Committee on decapitation of non-Trump loyalists" has absolutely no chance of ever getting a fair hearing. They are not there to get to the truth - they are, instead, there to get their rhetorical and belligerent statements read into the record and in a mean-spirited voice as possible. 

Rep. Jim Jordan is an excellent example of how these so-called "hearings to get to the truth"  should NOT be handled. The MAGA/Republicans on this committee have already reached their truth before the hearings began  and simple want to let the world watch them degrade and smear the director under question. 

These hearings serve absolutely no purpose. They are held to give the MAGA Representatives a televised  bull horn, and that is about all! They are not interested in the truth - what the devil would they do with truth, anyway?

We are witnessing the most deplorable display of a handful of MAGA/Republicans ever assembled. Their actions are of a group of snarling, growling animals who finally realize their time with the gavel is coming to a stop.

And they are continually egged-on by the MAGA Speaker of the House Mike Johnson.

America and the world is watching. . . and what a circus!



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