The Brain Doctor's Diagnosis . . .

What Is It, Doctor?
Mental Illness?   Insanity?  Derangement ?  Lunacy?   Senile Dementia?  Alzheimer's Disease?   Too Many Fake Doctors

We have hired a top specialist in her field to help us diagnose the strange maladies of Donald J. Trump. Marjorie Taylor-Greene, PhD in brain functions and other unique workings within the skull, has agreed to give us her diagnosis of Mr. Trump for $10.95. 

After spending about seven hours locked in a back bedroom of her home with the subject, she was able to get all of her notes gathered up and ready for our meeting the next morning.

Dr. Taylor-Greene said she saw severe bumps and scars in Trump's brain that could mean many things. Derangement was one of her first thoughts. He has moments - several nearly each hour - that puzzled her. That, too, would explain the senile dementia that plagues him. The two previous tests  by fake doctor Jackson revealed similar results but were shredded by Trump and flushed down the Oval Office toilet.

Taylor-Greene also listed one other concern that could be of a serious problem.  When the patient wants to freely emit a fact, he has an unknown mite living within the brain that jumps into action and forces him to tell a lie. He has no control over this function of the mite.

So, Dr. Taylor-Greene admits she is torn between three reasons for the criminal actions of what's left of his ravaged brain. They are Lunacy, insanity, or - and she leans heavily towards the third one: Softening of the Brain. In other words, he old guy's brain is turning to mush!  Who'd have thunk that?

We thanked the doctor, paid her the $10.95, and agreed we would hide the actual evidence of her testing in the vaults of FOX "news."

The doctor did say she thought even if all of her concerns were correct, it would not interfere with him handling another four-year- term of office.  (I grabbed  back my $10.95 and ran like hell from this quack!)

Opinion by
John Watson



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